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  • 首页 / 学生生活 / 取向



    马上申请 访问Ursuline 找一个项目 请求的信息


    Get acquainted with life at Ursuline during new student orientation!

    Ursuline college students holding penants

    夏天建议 & 登记日

    这是一个 要求 program that serves as your overview of academics at Ursuline College. It is designed to facilitate your smooth transition and promote your academic success at Ursuline.

    Summer orientation is the perfect opportunity to talk more about your major and any goals you may have for your time here (and beyond!), so bring your questions! 


    • Learn about our core curriculum and specific requirements about your major
    • Meet with an academic advisor/faculty member
    • Select and register for your classes for the next semester
    • 连接 with current Ursuline students and other new students

    Summer 取向 Sessions

    Incoming 本科 students

    Wednesday, June 7th from 12 – 4 p.m.
    Wednesday, June 28th from 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
    Wednesday, July 12th from 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
    Wednesday, July 26th from 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.


    Wednesday, August 2nd from 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

    International, out-of-state students, or late deposits

    Thursday, August 17 from 1 – 5 p.m.


    • Students who have not deposited will not be registered for classes until their deposit has been received. Deposits should be submitted online at bookstore.whitedogskin.net/deposit or mailed to Ursuline's Processing Center.
    • Members of the Basketball, Cross Country, Golf, Soccer and Volleyball teams should plan to attend Summer 取向 on June 7th so they can complete their physicals in the morning.
    • If 要求 to complete math placement testing (ALEKS), be sure to finish the assessment at least 2 weeks prior to your orientation date. Without your math placement you will be unable to register for classes.  You will be notified via email if ALEKS placement is 要求. 
    • 准备好拍照! You will leave the event with your Ursuline student ID so make sure you are camera ready.
    • 父母/guardians are welcome, but the number of guests is limited. We know this is an exciting time, but due to space limitations, we ask that students only bring 1-2 parents/guardians with them to their Summer 取向. When you submit your RSVP, please indicate if any parents/guardians will be joining you at the event.
    • If you live out-of-state and it's too far to drive to the college, please plan to attend Summer 取向 on Thursday, August 17th, ahead of 欢迎周end.
    • Second Degree 加速 Nursing students will attend their own orientation. The nursing department will follow up directly with you with more details. 

    If you have any questions, do not hesitate to email 辛迪邓

    回复暑期咨询 & 注册的日子


    Move In Weekend: August 18-20, 2023

    This session is mandatory for all traditional-aged new students and 转移 students who are both under 21 and 转移ring 38 credits or less.

    Stay tuned for updates about the Move In Weekend schedule.

    A team of upper class 取向 Arrows will lead you through activities, 社交活动, and sessions to begin your immersion into college life. Most importantly you will begin making friends and gain important knowledge to start classes at Ursuline as a successful student.

    欢迎周: August 21-25, 2023

    These events are open to all students! 新, 返回, 转移, 传统的岁, non-传统的岁… everyone is welcome to join the fun!

    欢迎周 is filled with fun activities to help you become familiar with campus, 认识其他学生, and connect you with the resources you'll need for success at Ursuline College. Get ready for all the FUN you'll be having your first week of classes!

    问题? 联系 Anna Brock, Coordinator of 学生活动, at 440.646.8327或anna.brock@whitedogskin.net.